Unitown...reflections from my student

I just came back from spending 5 days in Prescott, leading a diversity leadership camp for 60+ students from my school. I absolutely love the experience and find that I learn so much from the kids...just as much as they learn from us, I think. The best part of the week is talent night, where the kids step up and share some talents they have (or talents they don't have and just have a good laugh). One of my students read a poem that he wrote and shared it with the kids. It's absolutely beautiful and am posting it here for others to read. The talent in our children is amazing...
The students name is Tyler.

Who are we?

Who am I, you ask
I am the one who knows of good times
The expert on sad times
I am one who will be happy.

Who am I, you ask
The performer behind the curtain
The director, producer, stunt double, makeup artist, hair dresser and song writer
I prepare you for the ignorant world.

Who am I, you ask
The toy soldier you play with
A piece of plastic stamped “Made in China”
I was the one you shot down.

Who am I, you ask
I am the one marked “other”
The unknown, “who cares” guy
The toilet cleaner, janitor, garbage man, taxi driver, coffee guy, and store clerk.

Who am I you ask
I am the one who dances for thousands
I am paid 14.3 million by you to catch a football
I am too good for words

Who am I, you ask
I am a survivor
I watched thousands die for my faith
I am Jewish

Who am I, you ask
I am the solder who saved the above
I am one of many names on a stone wall to remember
I remember the above.

Who am I , you ask
I am one who believes
I stop;
Seven times a day and pray.

Who am I, you ask
I am one who worships once a week
Sunday I pray “In the name of Jesus Christ”
And I cry for those without faith.

Who am I, you ask
I am a philosopher of fate
A student of Buddha
And I will live again.

Who am I you ask
I live in deserted desert
No cable, internet or telephone
I am Iraqi, without.

Who am I, you ask
With everything,
I have nothing
I am the spoiled American.

Who am I, you ask
I live in the city with millions
Riding my bike home
I am the working Chinese.

Who am I, you ask
I am a father of kids who play with dirt
With nothing,
We have everything.

Who am I, you ask
I dress in uniform everyday; gun included
Shooting for what I (my country) believes is right,
I am the glorified bully.

Who am I, you ask
I work in a factory
Where we stamp “Made in China”
On everything leaving.

Who am I, you ask
I am the nonexistent leader,
I am the group of humans, not countrymen
We are supervised, not led nor taught.

Who am I, you ask
I am the leader of the greatest nation
The people who live happy; and lead
I am in reasonable control.

Who am I, you ask
An absolute leader
With all power I reign
Millions listen, learn, and do on my word.

Who are we
We are the hopefuls
The fans
And the competitors,

Who are we
We are ones who seek true happiness
We are the ones who smile for nothing
We wish on all the stars.

Who are we
We are the best of the best
The ones who care
We are everyone, and we, together, make the world go ‘round


That is an amazing poem - how old is the author? I love those kind of leadership retreats. What group sponsored it?

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