Anti-Valentine's Day Dinner

Coming home from the farmers market on Wednesday and getting ready to prepare my dinner for 12 friends. This is my second annual Anti-V Day gathering, an intimate night with singles, couples, and good friends. Last year involved chocolate, wine, fire and burning of past memories. This year, it's a celebration with good friends and an opportunity to cook for my favorite people. I think I'll keep this tradition going, since I hate all things Valentines. And since being single sucks on this day, I thought I would make the best of it! Plus, it's better to spend the evening with good friends, drinking and enjoying each others' company. I've learned that, often, the relationships that last the longest are the it's a perfect time to say I love you to everyone that I cherish. And, being Italian, food is the best way to do this :)

I picked up bags and bags of veggies from the farmers m
arket which made up the menu for the dinner. I love this picture because about 80% of the food was made using local, organic vegetables and food.

Having a dinner party is much more difficult than it seems. First, there is the menu. It took me a few days to come up with something delicious, but not too difficult. And all vegetarian. It turned out to be a 5-course meal! The trick is doing all the preparation a day ahead (with the help of a roomate and good friend who's willing to chop for hours).

Here is the menu breakdown:

Appetizers/ Antipasti:

Bruschetta with Olives, sundried tomatoes tapenade

Tomatoes with mozzarella and basil

Potato Leek soup with Kale

Mixed greens with spinach, snap peas, tomatoes

First Plate/ Primo piatti:
Cannelloni (crepes) - stuffed with ricotta and spinach over Tomato sauce

Second Plate/Secondo piatti:
Green beans with Zucchini and fresh sweet corn

Followed by decadent chocolate, berries, ice cream, and red wine...yummy!


Anonymous said…
Laura, It was a great dinner! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts :) Lauren
Mmmmm...sounds delicious. Are you a vegetarian? One of my college roommates called V-Day "Single Awareness Day." ha ha
ibsnuz said…
It's awesome you are doing a blog. I know there will be many interesting things to read about. I admire you for all you do. I'll be back to the meetings soon! Hugs and thanks for including me in your friend list!

Erin said…
Laura that sounds amazing. My mouth was watering as I was reading down the menu...some good tips for a fellow vegetarian...4 years and still kicking!
I love the cover picture on your blog, I can definitely see that on the back cover of your book some day:)
Can't wait to read more.
Are you serious about writing a book? What will it be about?
Anonymous said…
I love it! You should definately write a book..."My life in the desert" hmmmm. You are the best cousin & I am VERY proud of you!
Anonymous said…
Im having good food memories from that dinner!!! OOOH the soup, definatly my favorite! But the experience of making the Vegan Bomb Cake sticks with me! LOVE YA!

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