Guess what?

I've been waiting for the right time to share this with everyone.  A few months ago Mr. C and I discovered we are going to have a baby!  Phew, what a whirlwind of emotions these past 4 months have been.  If you noticed me turning down a perfectly delicious glass of wine, or eating just about every two hours, or saw me go to the bathroom like a million times in a day...or realized that I didn't drink at all at my Bachelorette party or wedding, then this should explain everything.

So many life changes at once, and I'm feeling incredibly blessed and shocked and thankful and lucky.  I'm what doctors call "advanced maternal age" and was pretty freaked out for years that I couldn't have kids anymore.  I went through a rough spot about 2 years ago (just before meeting Mr. C) where I realized that my life was out of my control, and wondered about the choices I've made and if I'd only done things differently my life would be where I wanted it to be.  Then, I went to Cascabel for some reflection and fasting.  I came back realizing I don't have control and I needed to let go of what I thought my life was supposed to be like.  From that moment on, when I truly let go, my life has taken twists and turns that are better than anything I have ever imagined.  I mean, I just got married and I'm having a baby (not exactly in that order).  How crazy and exciting is that?

And, if our calculations are correct, then this baby will be out by early October. 


Rev Liana Rowe said…
"advanced maternal age" is pretty funny considering that a large percentage of first time moms is now women like you, and me! I had my first when I was 37, my last when I was 43. There are plenty of other things to take you out of your center in this time, you can ignore that one!
laura said…
Thanks Liana! You're right. I hardly feel "advanced" and think it's all relative. It did make me nervous at first, but after talking to my midwife I've realized that I'm healthier than most women my age!
luke and pamela said…
so, so happy for you. what a lucky little one.
Unknown said…
Congrats Laura! So happy for you and Mr. C. Blessings to you in these coming months! So exciting!!
laura said…
Thanks Luke! We wanted to tell you and Andrea when we saw you both this Spring. But that explains all the baby questions we were asking you.
Wes Novack said…
Congrats!!! My wife & I are pregnant with (vegan) twins!

What part of town are you in? We're in North Phoenix.
laura said…
Congratulations to you and your wife, too! We live near downtown Phoenix. Keep me posted on how the pregnancy is going!

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