My changing waistline

I do not fit into my jeans all.  I totally love being pregnant and am constantly amazed at the way my body is growing and changing and shifting things around to fit a little bump in there.  But, I struggle with figuring out what to wear, how to continue to wear what I currently have without spending tons of money on maternity clothes.

I came across a blog that gave me a great suggestion for what to do with your jeans.  This is perfect!  At first, I could zip it up but just needed help with the buttoning.  But  now, the zipper stays down.  Thank god for my hair ties!

And I refuse to buy a belly band!  I know, I may end up getting one, but I really, really really don't want one.  Anyone else think they look medieval?

I still find myself looking in the mirror in amazement that this is my body.  Being in touch and tune with the growing, stretching, changing body is remarkable.  I am so thankful that I can experience this once in my lifetime and hope to have very few bad days when I look in the mirror and think I just look fat, really, really fat.


luke and pamela said…
i've always thought the pregnant body is the most beautiful body! but maternity clothes have always bothered me (super expensive, you can only wear them for a few months, and what is with those giant patterns?). this time, i invested in some maternity leggings from target which i wore almost every day (they are almost too comfortable), and then got some things from h&m which always carries regular sized clothes that work while pregnant too. :) i am so excited for you!

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