Date Night #2: Playing Pool

Thanksgiving week is over and now I'm enjoying a long weekend of resting and relaxing.  Mr. C and I had a nice time with friends up in the McDowell mountains.  There was lots of good food and super nice people to spend the day with.

I'm getting ready for some DIY projects for the wedding,and hoping that they're all as simple as they appear in my head.  My plan is to get these done by January.  Some things on my list:

Make invitations
Make soy candles (about 40 of them)
Make thank-you cards
Make more olives
Sew linen table runners

So, our next date night idea was to go out and shoot pool and play darts.  So exciting!  I'm awful at pool and haven't played in a really long time, but I was looking forward to the challenge. We started the evening by making a really good dinner of sauteed vegetables with tempeh in a curry simmer sauce.  We popped open a very cheap bottle of red wine (thank you Trader Joe's for selling wine cheaper than Two-buck Chuck!) and watched a movie on TV.  From now until Christmas the only things on TV will be sad Hallmark movies or love stories.  

So how exactly do I dress for a night of playing pool?  In my mind, this is what I would have loved to look like:

But in reality, it was cold out and I ended up wearing something a bit more modest(probably to Mr. C's relief).  Click's, the local pool hall, was hopping tonight but we found a table right away.   I don't remember halls being this fancy...not only were there pool tables, but there was also a DJ and a dance floor.  We played a couple of good games - Mr. C won them all - while people around us were dancing and having a good time.  There are some serious players in the game of pool, and we were not them.  I'll have to practice alot more before I can say I'm good at this game.  For now, it's just me and Mr. C.


luke and pamela said…
i love your date night ideas! we used to be so religious about them and now they are way too rare.
suntea said…
watched "Definitely, Maybe" last night - recommended romantic-comedy

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