
I know, I've been gone a while.  I took a small break from writing mostly because I didn't have a computer or internet at home.  I've had to do postings at work, which can be a bit difficult.  But I now have a new computer and internet (that's not "borrowed" from my neighbor), so I'm ready to get back to writing.

Last year this time I was just returning from Cascabel, AZ.  I went on a 4 day retreat/fast and returned rejuvenated and refreshed.  New beginnings.  New experiences.  New opportunities before me.  I decided that I wouldn't be in control anymore.  Quite a bit has changed since then.  I've stepped back in my work with No More Deaths; still involved and active, but finding a better balance.  I made a list of the things I wanted to grow in my life and have put my energy there.  My garden, my animals, my home, my friends, and the possibility of new relationships.  

For now, happy Spring...


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