my life as a chicken...

So much for blogging every day in October! Sheesh, I barely got through the first week. I guess I just didn't have enough exciting things to post every day. But October has been exciting for me in lots of ways. The garden is continuing to grow the seeds I planted earlier in the month. I go outside in the morning and watch the sunflowers sprout into seedlings. All the wildflower seeds are coming up; the spinach, kale and chard are getting ready to be thinned; and I can almost eat my lettuce for dinner. I've been harvesting as much basil as possible before the first frost and have been cooking up nice containers of pesto; and making enough tomato sauce to eat pasta every night for the rest of winter. It's been a yummy October.

Oh, and I got 6 baby chickens. The coop is just about finished and I was ready to fill it with chickens. They were about 1 week old when me and Mr. C went to Pratt's and Gordon's Feed stores. Immediately, I had second thoughts. Not only do I have a geriatric dog in her twilight years, a 2 year old bouncy/jumpy/hoppy puppy, but now I'm adding 6 chirping, pooping, eating, sleeping chickens to the household. It's something I've wanted to do for a while and I've talked about it forever. But somehow actually getting them was another story.

2 Road Island Reds
1 Spotted Sussex
1 Americauna
1 Brown Brahma
1 Black Maran

I went to the doctor the other week and she thought that I may be pre-menopausal! I'm only 37, but it's possible, apparently. Tests later showed that I wasn't; I must be naturally bitchy and sweaty at times. But it gave me a scare for about a week, nonetheless. I'm at that place in my life where my "biological clock" ticks pretty loudly, whether I want it to or not, and the thought of babies and having them tends to occupy my thoughts. So getting the chickens has quelled the sound of the clock in my head.

The temperature has been changing and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. The mornings and evenings are amazing, which makes it really, really hard to want to be at work right now. Last Saturday, Mr. C and I took the dogs to the Farm at South Mountain and had an amazing outing. Mellow days like that are one in a thousand, and I cherish them. Perfect Saturdays. If only I could have brought the chickies...

Americauna and Brahma chicks

Curious little Spotted Sussex

Eating and growing...

Jack meets his sisters for the first time

Hanging out with the dogs at the Farm, under the Pecan trees


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