Memorial Mass for Josseline
This February, 4 NMD volunteers found the body of a 14 year old girl from El Salvador in the desert. Two months later, we went back to the site of her death, along with her family, to hold a Memorial Mass for her. We pilgrimaged about 3 hours from Tucson to Arivaca, then to the site of her death - a 1/2 mile walk to the canyon below.
It was a beautiful afternoon...windy, warm and sunny. There were about 25 of us there, 10 of her family drove from California to be there. Fr. Bob gave a wonderful Mass in Spanish, using a large stone as the altar. We built a cross that will remain there... Josseine Janiletha Hernandez Quinteros"
Her mother requested a quote be added to the memorial:

Her mother requested a quote be added to the memorial:
"Cuando sientes que el camino se te ha vuelto duro y dificil, no te des por vencido y sigue adelante, y busca la ayuda de Dios."
Te llevaremos siempre en el corazón
Te llevaremos siempre en el corazón
