
Showing posts from March, 2008

Spring break in the desert

Last week was my spring break and off I went to the desert to get back to the things that I love doing the most. It's going on 4 years since I've been involved with No More Deaths. I remember the first time walking in the desert in Southern Arizona looking for people that needed help. It was so strange. Normally, I hike with my dog, have a picnic, take a nap under the trees, in the shade, and read a good book or do some journaling. It's been many years since I've done that sort of hiking. My first time in the desert with No More Deaths was a transformation of sorts. I have never been the same since. It was the summer of 2004 and it was a hot day already, probably well over 100 degrees by early afternoon. I had just returned from spending a month in Peru, traveling and meeting amazing people, visiting ruins, temples and the old city of Cuzco and Machu Pichu. So, I came back ready to do some volunteering in the desert; looking for migrants that needed help durin...

Unitown...reflections from my student

I just came back from spending 5 days in Prescott, leading a diversity leadership camp for 60+ students from my school. I absolutely love the experience and find that I learn so much from the kids...just as much as they learn from us, I think. The best part of the week is talent night, where the kids step up and share some talents they have (or talents they don't have and just have a good laugh). One of my students read a poem that he wrote and shared it with the kids. It's absolutely beautiful and am posting it here for others to read. The talent in our children is amazing... The students name is Tyler. Who are we? Who am I, you ask I am the one who knows of good times The expert on sad times I am one who will be happy. Who am I, you ask The performer behind the curtain The director, producer, stunt double, makeup artist, hair dresser and song writer I prepare you for the ignorant world. Who am I, you ask The toy soldier you play with A piece of plastic stamped “Made in ...

Anti-Valentine's Day Dinner

Coming home from the farmers market on Wednesday and getting ready to prepare my dinner for 12 friends. This is my second annual Anti-V Day gathering, an intimate night with singles, couples, and good friends. Last year involved chocolate, wine, fire and burning of past memories. This year, it's a celebration with good friends and an opportunity to cook for my favorite people. I think I'll keep this tradition going, since I hate all things Valentines. And since being single sucks on this day, I thought I would make the best of it! Plus, it's better to spend the evening with good friends, drinking and enjoying each others' company. I've learned that, often, the relationships that last the longest are the it's a perfect time to say I love you to everyone that I cherish. And, being Italian, food is the best way to do this :) I picked up bags and bags of veggies from the farmers m arket which made up the menu for the dinner. I love this pic...