Muffin top

I joined a gym this month but I still can't seem to find the time to go. I'm planning on going tomorrow, I promise. Really, I will. I still have most of my pregnancy weight and lost only a few pounds. I can't seem to get rid of it. I have what people would call a ' muffin top .' This is what I imagine I look like when I think of it, just not as delicious: So, off to the gym I go to lose the "baby weight." I'm starting to get that antsy feeling I get when I'm anxious. The list of projects is growing, yet I can barely find the time and energy to do anything. Getting back into shape is on my list. I would love to fit into my clothes again. I need to slow down and breathe. Take my time and not worry so much. But so much is happening these days, and I struggle with letting go of control and just let things "be." How does everyone else do it?