Compassion Fatigue

" That which is to provide light must endure burning ." - Victor Frankl Me and my co-workers went to a Compassion Fatigue workshop this week - the new word for burnout . I went because I thought it could be useful information to pass on to new No More Deaths volunteers or old ones, the ex-pats , as I call them. The group of volunteers who committed many years and time and energy to the work only to leave it after putting everything they had into it. But during the workshop I realized that the signs of compassion fatigue they talked about were very familiar to me and what I experienced. So, the workshop was pretty kooky at times, and I didn't walk away with many answers or insights. At one point, we did an exercise where we had to sit on our hands and relax our sphincter muscles...oh god, what did I get myself into? Apparently, sphincter relaxation helps our body during times of stress and is a suggested practice when we're having a tough day....