my life as a chicken...

So much for blogging every day in October! Sheesh, I barely got through the first week. I guess I just didn't have enough exciting things to post every day. But October has been exciting for me in lots of ways. The garden is continuing to grow the seeds I planted earlier in the month. I go outside in the morning and watch the sunflowers sprout into seedlings. All the wildflower seeds are coming up; the spinach, kale and chard are getting ready to be thinned; and I can almost eat my lettuce for dinner. I've been harvesting as much basil as possible before the first frost and have been cooking up nice containers of pesto; and making enough tomato sauce to eat pasta every night for the rest of winter. It's been a yummy October. Oh, and I got 6 baby chickens. The coop is just about finished and I was ready to fill it with chickens. They were about 1 week old when me and Mr. C went to Pratt's and Gordon's Feed stores. Immediately, I had second thoughts. Not on...