Summer plans

I am a list-maker. I make lists, add things to them, then, one by one, cross things off my list. For some people, my lists are a bit much. But I find that it motivates me to get things done. Otherwise, I'll just keep thinking of all the things I want to do, but never get them done. These lists are ways for me to overcome my Gemini-ness... we start things that we never finish. We have millions of things going on at once. Lots of balls in the air. So, now that I have the next 6 weeks off, here's my summer list: Re-plumb the house! New roof Remove old wall heater...make wall shelf in its place Paint kitchen Remove carpet in baby room New carpet? Hardwood floors? Paint baby room Make baby stuff - * baby hats * cute little bunny * baby mobile Read non-baby related books (fiction!) Take a few trips out of state Weekend camping trips with hubby and pup We...